The DPP Blog

Read DPP’s blog for tips, advice,and insights on all things job search or hiring the technical talent you need to round out your team.

Why Memorial Day

Memorial Day is celebrated in America the last Monday of May each year. While most of us look forward to Memorial Day as the unofficial start to summer, we tend to forget the true significance of the day. During the Civil War, America experienced the greatest loss of lives than during any other war in […]

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Lilacs, Lightsabers & Towels: A Celebration

What do lilacs, lightsabers and towels have to do with each other? If you know the answer without Googling it, then you should fly your Geek Flag proudly on May 25th. If you’re a bit confused, don’t panic. Keep calm, and read on. And if you don’t think you’re a geek, stick with us anyway. […]

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Your Resume Tells Your Story. Make it a blockbuster!

The competition is stiff. Hiring managers and recruiters can receive hundreds of resumes for a handful of positions. A human scanning through a stack of resumes looks for college degrees, certifications, job titles, typos – trying to winnow out good applicants in a minimal amount of time. Seven seconds. Or, your resume may go through […]

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Do Passwords Make Your Heart Bleed?

The verdict is still out on the extent of the damage caused by the Heart bleed bug. The bug has been called “catastrophic”, the “bug that broke the Internet”, and the worst vulnerability in the history of the Internet. Fixing it will be a “herculean task”. While system admins have been hustling to push fixes […]

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Celebrate Earth Day! Recycle Your Cell Phone

Did you know Americans dump over $60 million in gold and silver every year? Sixty million dollars of gold and silver laying waste in our landfills. That doesn’t include the copper, palladium and other precious metals also used in manufacturing our electronic gadgets.¹ That’s the economic story. E-waste also impacts our health.  The e-waste in […]

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3 Job Search Pests You Don’t Want to Be

3 Job Search Pests You Don’t Want To Be (via A Hire Calling) Persistence is key in a job search, but can you take it too far? A new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reveals that more than 65 percent of job seekers contact employers directly as a method of job […]

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Speaking about IT Recruiting…

Barbara Blau has been in the information technology recruiting industry for more more than 25 years, and does she have some stories! In this brief clip, Barbara speaks candidly about recruiting IT professionals, and shares a story or two about some of the personalities she’s met.

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How to Reverse Engineer Your Career Path

During the recession, workers hung on to the jobs they had, even though the work was no longer fulfilling. Job descriptions changed to include my job, your job and his job, because your job and his job no longer existed. Company loyalty became a confused commodity, and the word “pension” was relegated to the dictionary. […]

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Show Your Computer Some Love!

Have you ever worked through lunch sitting in front of your computer or taken your laptop to the coffee shop and used it to read the news while you had your morning scone? Most of us have. Take a look at your keyboard. Right now. Just look down at your keyboard. What do you see? […]

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Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat…

South Carolina has been under a winter weather emergency, and because of the icy conditions, our offices have been closed for two days. In the IT staffing and recruiting industry, however, office hours are relative. Exchanging emails may work for initiating a conversation, or scheduling and confirming interviews, but when it comes to qualifying a […]

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DPP Names Dana Shenkar as Vice President

DP Professionals is pleased to announce the promotion of Dana Shenkar to Vice President. Ms. Shenkar will direct Recruiting and Business Development at DPP. Ms. Shenkar brings a wealth of experience to her new role; during her 15-year career, she has worked as a senior technical recruiter, an account manager, and an account management team […]

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What Happens When We Pull Our Blue Jeans On

We all have those dress down days. Reasons vary. The weather’s beautiful and we just want to lay back. Or the weather’s miserable and comfort is the ticket. Or everything is in the laundry or at the cleaner’s. Whatever the reason, it’s a day to wear jeans. At DPP, that’s one of our prerogatives, but […]

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