The DPP Blog

Read DPP’s blog for tips, advice,and insights on all things job search or hiring the technical talent you need to round out your team.

Look for the Helpers

A 3-Year Old Learns about Giving I am sure you know about the tragedy at Sandy Hook where twenty children were killed along with six teachers in Connecticut.  As it turns out, one of the teachers who survived and has been hailed as a hero, Maryrose Kristopik, was once a music teacher of mine. Shortly […]

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Scouting the Opportunity

In Part 1 of this 3-part series about working with a recruiter, we talked about the recruiter as a career partner and an ally. A good recruiter will provide impartial career advice. He will work to build a relationship with you, one which includes active listening and asking lots of questions. Here’s part 2 of […]

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The Recruiter: Ally or Albatross?

You’ve just hung up the phone after talking with some character who, out of the blue, asks you if you’d be interested in changing jobs. Maybe it set your antennae quivering. Maybe your stomach plummeted. You may have difficulty refocusing. And maybe you have been mulling over a career change, and this phone call pushed you […]

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Identity Theft: Not If, but When

One in 10 Americans has been a victim of identity theft or identity fraud. The FTC reports that identity theft continues to be the #1 complaint by consumers, and has been for the past 13 years. The number of reported instances of identity theft was 12.6 million in 2012, up from 11.6 million in 2011. […]

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Does “GIGO” Describe Your LinkedIn® Profile?

When you hit the “Apply with LinkedIn®” button, what will the hiring manager or recruiter see? The “Apply with LinkedIn®” button is used on career sites to make it a bit easier for job seekers to respond to job ads. When you use this button to apply for a position, LinkedIn® generates a snapshot of […]

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Where Are the Female IT Geeks?

Women have made great strides toward breaking through glass walls and ceilings, but women are a minority in the STEM professions, including the field of computer science. This was not always the case. In 1987, 42% of software developers and 34% of systems analysts were women. So, why do we have so few women in […]

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Truth & Consequences in The Ethics Zone

You’re traveling through another dimension — a dimension not only of right and wrong, but of relationships. A journey into a space whose boundaries are that of the human condition. That’s a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Ethics Zone! Hannah Thrumplemyer glanced at her phone. Fifteen minutes until her new hire was due […]

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Make Your IT Resume Pop!

You’ve heard the stories: Recruiters spend only 6 seconds scanning your resume Your resume will be sucked up by the black hole known as an ATS (applicant tracking system), never to be seen again How do you elude the 6-second scan or the gaping black hole? Expertise Summary There’s good news. The objective statement is […]

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6 Steps to a Successful Networking Experience

What kind of people are in your professional network?  Do you even have a professional network? People often don’t think about developing a professional network until they need something – usually a new job – and then they find themselves scrambling to make connections. That’s the wrong time to start building a network – but […]

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7 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Happy 2013!  As the clock struck midnight and we all began celebrating the New Year, some of us began to formulate our New Year’s Resolutions.  I want to lose weight!  I’m going to eat healthy!  I’m going to the gym!  I want to save more money or pay off debt!  I want more time in […]

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Holiday Cheer with a Mediterranean Flavor

Last night DP Professionals celebrated the holidays by hosting drop-in for our consultants. The DPP office staff — the recruiters, account managers, and support staff — look forward to meeting and relaxing with our consultants who are always out in the field. “Last night was great!  We have wonderful people working for DPP,” said Barbara […]

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Giving thanks through our actions

It’s Thanksgiving, and amid the flurry of family, dinner preparations, and even Black Friday, we’d like to pause, and think of those who have suffered setbacks this year. At DPP, giving is a priority. Each month we donate to various charities in the area. Over the past 10 months, our staff has contributed $855 to […]

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