DPP Blog - Employment

Make Your IT Resume Pop!

You’ve heard the stories: Recruiters spend only 6 seconds scanning your resume Your resume will be sucked up by the black hole known as an ATS (applicant tracking system), never to be seen again How do you elude the 6-second scan or the gaping black hole? Expertise Summary There’s good news. The objective statement is […]

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Corral Your Work History Using LinkedIn

Your resume should be specifically geared to the position you’re applying for. At the same time, you don’t want gaps in your employment history. So can you provide only the experience that’s applicable to the current job opening, without selling yourself short? While you don’t need a full work history going back to your paper […]

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All aboard! Onboarding the new employee

The initial interactions between a new employee and your company can set the stage for the employee’s relationship to the company during his career. Onboarding is the process of introducing the new employee to the company, the company culture, and the position he or she was hired to fill. When does the onboarding process begin? […]

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The Counter Offer: Boon or Bust?

Most people agree: change is hard. So, when considering changing employers, be clear about why you want to leave your current position. Why are you leaving? Is it a spur of the moment, “I can’t take it anymore” decision? Or is it a deliberate, well thought out career move? Although we may not like to […]

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Just the facts, ma’am

Fudging information on a resume is never a good idea, as Yahoo’s CEO Scott Thompson is discovering. Thompson is not alone.  Although he carried off this masquerade for several years, his undoing came as the result of an attempt by investor Daniel Loeb to gain seats on Yahoo’s board. Why did Thompson perpetuate this “white […]

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How fit is your profile?

Have you looked at your profile lately? Not the one in the mirror; although if that one isn’t looking up to par, you might be interested in one of these 13 digital fitness tools for getting into physical shape. What about your professional profile? Have you looked at that lately? LinkedIn, the leading professional social networking site, […]

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What’s Your Tipping Point?

The face of the American workforce is changing. In 1997, Daniel Pink explored the developing trend of free agents– people who for whatever reason, “are abandoning one of the Industrial Revolution’s most enduring legacies–the “job”–and forging new ways to work”. By 2008, according to one study, 26% of the American workforce described themselves as free […]

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A Commonsense Guide to What to Bring to an Interview

You’ve landed the interview. Now what? Let’s take a look at the items you should bring with you to the interview. Identification – Bring your drivers license or other form of government issued ID with your photo. Resume – Bring several copies of your professional resume, printed on resume paper. You should have a copy […]

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