Our DPP family has a tradition of sponsoring a family for the holidays through the local program, Midlands Families Helping Families.
This holiday our family is a grandmother whose three teenaged grandchildren came to live with her. As we reviewed the list of needs, we discovered that beds were needed for each of the children. It brings it home.
With the funds we collected through our monthly charitable donations, a bit extra from our executive team, and the gifts provided by members of the staff, we were able to provide three twin beds with sheets, as well as other gifts for the family.
Many thanks to our own Santa’s helper, Jessie Nevarez, who coordinated the effort this year, purchased many of the gifts with our cash donations, wrapped them, tagged them, and somehow got them delivered.
There have been many words used to describe this year of the Covid-19 pandemic. Near the top of the list is “unprecedented”. We have all been affected, some far worse than others, but none of us left untouched. In March, the staff began to work from home, as did many of our contractors. With only a few bumps along the way, we adapted. And because we were able to keep working, helping our clients and our candidates find each other, we are able to share with others who have not been as fortunate this year.
As we’ve done in the past, this year we also made contributions to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Gary Sinise Foundation (for veterans), and Harvest Hope Food Bank.
We hope we’ve been able to spark some joy and hope for our sponsored family. We wish you all a very happy holiday season, and a new year of peace, hope, prosperity, and health.