DPP Blog - Career

How to Reverse Engineer Your Career Path

During the recession, workers hung on to the jobs they had, even though the work was no longer fulfilling. Job descriptions changed to include my job, your job and his job, because your job and his job no longer existed. Company loyalty became a confused commodity, and the word “pension” was relegated to the dictionary. […]

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The Recruiter: Ally or Albatross?

You’ve just hung up the phone after talking with some character who, out of the blue, asks you if you’d be interested in changing jobs. Maybe it set your antennae quivering. Maybe your stomach plummeted. You may have difficulty refocusing. And maybe you have been mulling over a career change, and this phone call pushed you […]

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The Counter Offer: Boon or Bust?

Most people agree: change is hard. So, when considering changing employers, be clear about why you want to leave your current position. Why are you leaving? Is it a spur of the moment, “I can’t take it anymore” decision? Or is it a deliberate, well thought out career move? Although we may not like to […]

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